Verizon Settlement Payout Date – Payment Amount, Eligibility & Other Details!

The Verizon customers could receive the payment of $100m from the settlement in the class action. The customers eligible for the settlement who have filed a claim and anticipate receiving the payment are able to check the date for payout, amount of the payment, and other information pertaining with the Verizon Administrative settlement.

Verizon Class Action Settlement Payout Date

In the course of this year, people who are eligible to use Verizon were notified to make a claim in the Verizon administrative charges settlement in a class action. Verizon customers who have filed the claim by April 15 2024 in order to be compensated by the administrator should be anticipating their payment.

A final decision on the Verizon administrative charges settlements has yet to be confirmed. The class action proceeding after the final approval of the Court on fairness and fairness of the settlement. The fairness hearing took place on March 22, 2024 in the New Jersey Superior Court.

Customers of Verizon users who were affected by class members by deceitful practices of the company are eligible for the payment once they have received having the approval of the court. A settlement manager will transfer the payment into the accounts of the legitimate claimants. If everything is in good order. Claimants are likely to receive the money in the month of August or September 2024.

What is the Verizon Administrative Charges Lawsuit about?

The plaintiffs (Verizon’s customers, both former and current) contend that the company levied an additional administrative fee each month for customers who bought wireless plans that were postpaid. The plaintiffs claimed that the company made false advertising for its wireless plans that were post-paid, as they didn’t mention the charges for administrative services.

The company imposed, charged and increased administrative charges in a manner that inflated the cost of paying over what customers anticipated. In the month of November 2023, plaintiffs and defendants agreed to settle the lawsuit for the value of 100 million dollars. The court did not affirm the false claims of the defendants, nor does it verify the claims of plaintiffs or defendants.

The defendant was not in agreement with the allegations, and has continued to deny the practice. The company that handles communications says it remain to charge administrative fees because it is their right to increase the costs to make a profits. However, the company states it will amend its customer’s agreement to include updated administrative charges.

Who will get the Verizon Settlement payment?

Customers of Verizon customers who meet the following eligibility criteria will be eligible to receive this Verizon settlement:

  • The former and current Verizon clients who reside in the United States who paid the administrative fees or a telco recover charge for postpaid data or wireless services between January 1st, 2016 through 8 November 2023 are considered to be class members.
  • Verizon directors officers, directors and related entities, as well as any members of the families are not eligible of the class settlement.

Members of the class who haven’t completed any action or opt to opt out prior to the deadline do not have the right to the settlement amount.

Verizon Settlement Amount Distribution

Verizon’s customers who are current and former who have submitted valid claims to the settlement would receive the settlement amount through the settlement net fund. It is the Net Settlement Fund services from the settlement amount, after an administrator subtracts this amount from Net Settlement Fund ($100 million):

  • Administration costs and other fees
  • Costs and expenses for attorneys to present the case, up 30% of total settlement ($33.3 million)
  • Settlement Class Counsel Awards
  • Class Representative Service is a program that awards up to $3500 for their hard work and dedication
  • Notices on Cost of Distribution
  • Other expenses for the implementation of the settlement.

The settlement fund of $100 million will be divided to handle the costs of fees, costs as well as awards. the funds will be distributed to every class member.

Verizon Settlement Payout per person

The payout to class members is contingent on the settlement fund’s net value and not. of the claims that are valid. The settlement administrator evaluates the claim and determines legitimate claims. Based on the calculations of the final amount due from the administrator, claimants will receive the following amount:

  • Any valid claimant is entitled to the base amount of $15 in the settlement.
  • The class members who have valid claims also have the right to an additional $1 per month for the time in which they’ve repaid the administration fees (or Telco Recovery charge for their post-paid Verizon wireless service during the class period.
  • Based on reports a class member who has an outstanding claim is entitled to the maximum amount of $100 as part of the settlement.

The claimant who is valid will receive the settlement payment made by the administrator of settlement and when the total settlement payments over what is in the Net Settlement Fund, the settlement payouts will be reduced in a proportional basis for every legitimate claimant.

How will you get your Verizon Settlement payment?

Class members who have legitimate claims will receive settlement amount after receiving the final approval of the court in the following methods:

  • Paper check
  • Direct deposit to account

The settlement administrator chosen by the judge will make the money to the legitimate claimants. The settlement payments that are not cashed or inaccessible after issuance is considered to be unclaimed property.

Therefore, in the event that, in any circumstance, there are any changes you need to report about your address or communication You can modify the form that you submitted to claim the Notice Claim ID as well as the confirmation code. Then, you can submit your claim using the same way you completed the previous claim.

The claimants are advised to include the current information on their communication so they can ensure that their pay is not lost and the administrator is able to identify their claim.

This Verizon Administrative charges settlement awaits final approval from the court, therefore the amount may be increased or decreased according to court guidelines. Claimants are advised to regularly check the Verizon settlement of class action lawsuits website to keep informed about the settlement procedure.

How to Make a Claim Under The Settlement?

Unfortunately, the time for filing a claim has past. For future reference, eligible customers who wish to file a claim would typically follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Settlement Website: Go to the official settlement website to check your eligibility and access the claim form.
  2. Download or Request a Claim Form: Obtain the claim form either by downloading it from the website or by requesting it from the settlement administrator.
  3. Complete the Form: Fill out the form with required details, including your name, contact information, and relevant account details.
  4. Attach Required Documents: Include any necessary supporting documents, such as billing statements or receipts, to verify your claims.
  5. Submit the Form: Send the completed form either by mail or through the online submission portal provided on the settlement website before the deadline.
  6. Confirmation and Updates: After submission, you will receive confirmation and further instructions. Keep track of any additional steps needed, such as providing more information or attending hearings if required.

Final Words

The Verizon settlement payout date marks an important milestone in consumer protection, offering eligible customers a chance to receive compensation for unauthorized administrative charges. With a significant payout amount, this settlement underscores the necessity for corporate accountability and transparency. By ensuring they meet the eligibility criteria and following the claim process meticulously, affected customers can secure their share of the settlement. This resolution not only provides financial relief but also serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance in monitoring corporate practices and protecting consumer rights.


How do you claim the settlement from Verizon?

Those who are qualified to apply for the settlement are required to fill out a claim form that is two pages long. The claim form may be printed out and sent in by mail, or it can be filled out online via the claims website at the following address:

When will Verizon settlements?

A settlement manager will transfer the payment into the accounts of the legitimate claimants. If everything goes in order. Claimants are likely to receive the money to be made in September or August 2024.

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