Quebec Family Allowance Dates 2024 – Payment Amount & Schedule!

Québec’s Family Allowance program plays a vital role in supporting families with the expenses associated with raising children. Typically, your pension is disbursed on the last working day of each month. The Québec Family Allowance Dates for 2024 are available for the upcoming months.

Quebec Family Allowance Dates 2024

The Family Allowance program in Québec is a crucial financial support system that aids families in managing the costs of raising children. Canada’s broad social security network provides numerous financial assistance options, governed by both federal and provincial authorities, delivering comprehensive benefits to its residents.

Typically, your pension is disbursed on the last working day of each month.

Payment Dates in 2024
31 May 202428 June 2024
31 July 202430 August 2024
27 September 202431 October 2024
29 November 202430 December 2024

If you opt for direct deposit, your public-sector retirement pension will be paid on the 15th of each month for the rest of your life.

Should the 15th fall on a weekend or official holiday, your pension will be issued on the business day preceding it. If you prefer to receive a check, it will be mailed no later than 48 hours before that date.

Payment Dates in 2024
15 July 202415 August 2024
13 September 202415 October 2024
15 November 202413 December 2024

Among them, the Québec Pension Plan (QPP) stands out as a program specifically designed for Québec residents. The QPP aims to offer financial stability to individuals and families who have contributed to Québec’s workforce through retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. The benefits include:

  • Retirement Pension
  • Disability Pension
  • Survivor Benefits

The Québec Family Allowance 2024 is a mandatory public insurance program for workers aged 18 and older who earn more than $3,500 annually. Its goal is to provide essential financial security to Québec workers (or those who have worked there) and their families in cases of retirement, death, or disability.

Amounts and Payment of Family Allowance

The amount of a family’s Family Allowance payout varies and is adjusted annually in January and July.

Factors influencing the payout include the number of dependent children under 18 living with the recipient, joint custody arrangements, marital status (whether or not the recipient has a spouse), and, if applicable, family income, which is the combined income of both spouses.

Refer to the chart below to determine your potential eligibility for 2024. Additionally, you can use the CalculAide tool to estimate the amounts you may be entitled to.

Maximum and minimum yearly amounts – 2024
Maximum amountAmount
Each child$2923
Single-parent family+ $1026
Each child$1163
Single-parent family+ $409
Yearly Amount for the purchase of school Supplies – 2024
Supplement for the Purchase of School Supplies$121
Yearly Amounts for a Handicapped Child – 2024
Supplement for Handicapped Children$2748
Supplement for Handicapped Children Requiring Exceptional Care:
Tier 1$13 896
Tier 2$9240

You will receive your initial Family Allowance payment no later than 45 days after the State Director of Civil Affairs has received the declaration of your child’s birth. The quantity, length of time, and age at which an individual chooses to begin receiving a retirement pension all influence the amount of the pension.

How to Apply for Québec Family Allowance 2024? 

Applying for the Québec Family Allowance in 2024 requires the following actions to be taken:

  • Whenever a child is born or adopted in Quebec, the majority of parents are automatically registered in the program.
  • You may submit your application online via the Retirement Québec website if you are not automatically registered.
  • Submit necessary documents, such as proof of residency and income statements.
  • Through the use of the online portal provided by Retirement Québec, you may monitor your payment history, amend your information, and apply for further supplements if you need them.

Québec Family Allowance Eligibility Criteria

In order for families to be eligible for the Family Allowance, they must satisfy the following qualifying criteria:

  • Residency: The family must reside in Québec.
  • Children Under 18: The allowance is provided for children under the age of 18.
  • Legal Custody: It is necessary for the petitioner to have custody of the kid legally.
  • Income Assessment: The family’s income must be assessed to determine the allowance amount.

How the Allowance is Calculated?

The Family Allowance is determined by taking into consideration a number of determinants, including the following:

  • Number of Children: Increasing the number of children in the household results in an increase in the allowance.
  • Family Income: When calculating the total family income, employment income and other sources of revenue are taken into consideration.
  • Family Situation: Additional amounts are provided for single-parent families and families with handicapped children.


The Québec Family Allowance program is integral to supporting families by offsetting the costs of child-rearing. The program disburses payments typically on the last working day of each month, with specific dates provided for 2024. It assists families based on various factors including the number of children and family income. For those seeking benefits, it’s essential to be aware of the application process and eligibility requirements, including residency, custody, and income assessment. The allowance helps ensure financial stability for families throughout Québec.


When will I receive my Family Allowance payment for Québec in 2024?

Payments are generally made on the last working day of each month. For exact dates, refer to the 2024 schedule provided by the program.

How can I apply for the Québec Family Allowance if I’m not automatically registered?

If you’re not automatically registered, you can apply online through the Retirement Québec website by submitting necessary documents, including proof of residency and income statements.

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