Tax Brackets BC: What Are the Types of Taxes and Tax Rates in British Columbia?

Discover the essential information about Tax Brackets in British Columbia, including the types of taxes and applicable tax rates. In British Columbia, marginal tax rates are applied to different income levels, categorized into tax brackets. Individuals with taxable income must report their financial statements to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) via tax returns.

Tax Brackets BC

The province of British Columbia has specific tax brackets for personal income earned by individuals. Residents must submit their tax returns to report their earnings accurately. British Columbia uses a progressive tax system, meaning the tax rate increases with higher income levels.

Tax brackets in British Columbia are based on annual income, with rates ranging from 5% to 20% on a cumulative basis. As tax season approaches, it is essential for individuals to review their financial details and submit their tax returns accordingly.

What Are the Types of Taxes?

Different provinces in Canada have various types of taxes that citizens must pay based on their occupation or business.

  • Provincial Sales Tax (PST): This tax is paid when purchasing taxable goods or services.
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST): Business owners must pay GST on the products or services they sell.
  • Income Tax: Citizens must pay income tax based on their annual earnings, with tax rates varying according to total income generated within a year.
  • Sales Tax: This includes taxes on tobacco, carbon, provincial sales, and motor fuel, which must be paid to the government.
  • Property Tax: Individuals who own land or a house in Canada must pay property tax.

These are some of the common taxes applicable in the provinces. People should review the types of earnings they have to complete their tax returns accurately. Tax returns can be filed online or offline, with online filing recommended to minimize errors. Assistance from an accountant or a banking firm can be helpful for this purpose.

Tax Rates in British Columbia

The Federal Government provides clear guidelines on the taxes that need to be paid. In British Columbia, the tax rates are as follows:

Income Tax Rate 
$0 to $45,6545.06%
Above $45,654 and $91,3107.70%
Above $91,310 and $104,83510.50%
Above $104,835 and $127,29912.29%
Above $127,299 and $172,60214.70%
Above $172,602 and $240,71616.80%
Above $240,71620.50%

Individuals must pay the taxable amount according to the tax rates listed in the table above.

BC Tax Calculator

Taxation is a crucial responsibility for residents of Canada, and accurate reporting to the government is essential. To determine your total taxable amount, you can use the BC Tax Calculator. The federal tax rate is 20.06%, while the provincial tax rate is 53.5%. Both rates should be considered when filing your taxes.

To use the tax calculator, enter your employment or self-employment income, RRSP contributions, eligible dividends, capital gains or losses, and other sources of income. After entering this information, click on ‘Calculate’. The result will be displayed on the right side of the portal. For additional assistance with tax submission, consider consulting an accountant.

BC Tax Filing and Benefits

Paying taxes on time is crucial, and there are several benefits to timely tax filing. Taxes must be filed annually, including all income details, and submitted through the CRA portal. If taxes are not paid on time, interest will be applied to the outstanding amount.

The benefits of timely tax filing include:

  • Easier access to loans.
  • Eligibility for government tax credits.
  • Ability to use tax return details when buying property.
  • Access to federal benefits.

Typically, the deadline for filing your tax return is April 30. New filers should familiarize themselves with the process and ensure their returns are completed and submitted on time.


Understanding the tax brackets and types of taxes in British Columbia is essential for effective financial planning and compliance. British Columbia uses a progressive tax system, where tax rates increase with income. In addition to federal taxes, residents must also pay provincial taxes, such as income tax, property tax, and sales tax. Staying informed about current tax rates and regulations enables individuals and businesses to better manage their finances and meet their tax obligations.


How can I find out which tax bracket I fall into?

You can determine your tax bracket by calculating your total annual income and comparing it to the current tax bracket ranges provided by the Canada Revenue Agency and the British Columbia government.

How often do tax rates and brackets change?

Tax rates and brackets can change annually, typically announced in the federal and provincial budgets. It’s important to stay updated on any changes that may affect your tax liability.

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